Cucumis - Dịch vụ phiên dịch miễn phí trực tuyến
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Tìm kiếm
Requested translations - marhaban

Tìm kiếm
Source language
Target language

Results 241 - 260 of about 679
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Source language
Klingon Martok degh
Martok degh, to-Duq degh, bat-LEH degh, mat-LEH degh
São frases do Star Trek do dialeto de Klingon

<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
English Badge of Martok
French L'insigne de Martok
Italian Il simbolo di Martok
Portuguese brazilian Distintivo de Martok
Arabic شارة مارتوك
Spanish La insignia de Martok
Source language
English 2 short sentences, for a mobile phone application
SlideShow displays the images on your phone in random order.

SlideShow can't find enough images on your phone. Take some more pictures and try again.
Context of the text: "SlideShow" is the name of a camera phone application that shows the photos on the phone in a nice way.

These are parts of the text in the user interface (as much text as i can afford to submit right now.)

Completed translations
German Zwei kurze Sätze für eine Mobiltelefonanwendung
Arabic جملتان قصيرتان، لتطبيق هاتف جوّال
Italian 2 piccole frasi, per applicazione di un cellulare
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